What a pity! Kawaisö! [f/m] Too bad. Okinodoku. [f] #Hidoi-ne. [f] #Hidoi-na. [m]
[Any of these three may be used in a sympathetic or sarcastic context, depending on the tone of your voice.] --RR,R It's risky! Yabai! [f/m] Calm down! Ochitsuite! [f/m] Asenna-yo! [f/m] Do you understand? Wakarimasu-ka? [f/m] I understand. All right. Wakatta. [f/m] I don't understand. Wakaranai. [f/m] I know. Wakatteru. [f/m] Shitteru. [f/m]
[Wakatteru is for actions, meaning "Even if you hadn't mentioned it, I knew that." or "Okay, I'll do it. Stop nagging." Shitteru can be used for nouns & actions, such as "I know (her)." or "I know (how to get there)."] --RR,R I don't know. Shiranai. [f/m] Stop your babbling! Gatagata itten-ja nëyo! [m] Stop complaining! Quit yer bitchin'! Butsu butsu iwanai-de! [f] Butsu butsu iu-na! [m] Monku bakkari iu-nayo! [m] Never mind. Ki-ni shinai-de. [f/m] Ki-ni sunna-yo. [m] Wizzer. Cool. Shibui. [f/m] Kakkoii. [f/m]
["Kakkoii" is said especially about boys and cars.] --RR,R Not-so-wizzer. Uncool. Dasai. [f/m] Awesome. Sugoi. [f/m] Sugë. [m] Hampa-ja nai. [m] Ugly. (used as adjective--see below) Kakko warui. [f/m] Dasai. [f/m] What do you want ? Nani-yo ?! [f] Nanda-yo ! [m] Nanka monku aru-no-ka ? [m]
[Three basic, all-around good phrases to use when someone really slots you off. These phrases usually command respect, or at least allow you to establish yourself.] --RR,R Do you want to say something ?! Nanka yö ?! [f/m]
[Japanese are infamous for staring. To have them return to their own affairs, a simple "Nanda-yo?!" or "Nanka yö ?!" works well. But then again, the Japanese are also known for their persistence, too. If these two fail, simply tell them any of the following:] --RR,R Don't look at me! Kochi minai-deyo! [f] Kochi miruna-yo! [m] Miten-ja nëyo! [m] Don't stare at me! Jiro jiro minai-deyo! [f] Jiro jiro miruna-yo! [m] Gan tobashiten-ja nëyo! [m] What did you say? Nante itta-noyo ? [f] Nante ittan-dayo ? [m] Who do you think you're talking to? Dare-ni mukatte mono itten-dayo? [m] Why do you talk like that?! Nande sonna-koto iu-noyo?! [f] Nande sonna-koto iun-dayo?! [m]
« Zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.09.03 um 04:12:10 von Ragamuffin »
[If you are positive a Japanese person is talking derogatorily about you, these last two phrases are good to use. But be careful, sometimes they are complimenting you.] --RR,R You're stupid! Baka-ja nai! [f] Baka! [f/m] Tako! [f/m] Baka-yarö! [m] You look stupid! Baka-mitai! [f/m] That's stupid! Baka-mitau! [f/m] Baka-jan! [f/m]
["-jan" is a colloquial suffix coined in Yokohama. It is used with a variety of words.] --RR,R What you did was stupid! Baka-da! [f/m] You're crazy! Kichigai! [f/m] Don't act stupid! Baka yamete-yo! [f] Baka yamero-yo! [m] Baka yamena-yo! [f] Baka yatten-ja nëyo! [m] Fuzakenai-deyo! [f] Fuzakeruna-yo! [m] Fuzaken-ja nëyo! [m]
[Any of these last seven phrases can be used when someone slots you off. They translate as "Don't joke around with me!" or "Don't think I'm lower than you!" Phrases beginning with "Baka" can also be voiced with concern for a friend's irrational behavior. Compare with "Namenna-yo!" (Don't frag with me!), below.] --RR,R Don't say stupid things! Baka iwanai-deyo! [f] Baka ittenna-yo! [m] Netenna-yo! [m]
["Netenna-yo!" translates as, "Wake up!"] --RR,R Liar! Usotsuki! [f/m] You've got a big mouth! Oshaberi! [f/m] Get your head out of your hoop! Neboken-ja nëyo! [m]
[Literally means, "Aren't you half-asleep (because of what you did/are doing)?" Depending on your tone of voice, this phrase can be either funny or very harsh.] --RR,R That's a lie! Sonna-no uso-yo! [f] Sonna-no uso-dayo! [m] Uso bakkari! [f/m] Fukashi-jan! [m] Forget it! (I've had enough!) Mö ii-yo! [f/m] Bulldrek! Yoku iu-yo! [f/m]
[Literally means, "How dare you say that!"] --RR,R You shouldn't do that! Dame-yo! [f] Dame-dayo! [m] Why did you do such a thing? Nande sonna-koto shita-no ? [f/m] Do as I say! Itta-töri-ni shite! [f] Itta-töri-ni shiro-yo! [m] Stop it! Yamete-yo! [f] Yamero-yo! [m] Shitsukoi! [f/m]
[Use "shitsukoi" when someone is being overly persistent.] --RR,R Leave me alone! Hottoite-yo! [f] Hottoite-kure-yo! [m] Leave us alone! Watashitachi-dake-ni shite-yo! [f] Bokutachi-dake-ni shite-kure-yo! [m] Leave him/her alone! Hottoke-ba! [f/m] Hottoke-yo! [m] Stop bothering me! Jama shinai-deyo! [f] Jama shinai-dekure! [m] Take your hand(s) off! Te-o dokete-yo! [f/m] Don't touch me! Sawannai-de! [f/m] Get out of here! Mukö-ni itte-yo! [f] Achi itte-yo! [f] Achi ike-yo! [m] Dokka ichimë-yo! [m] Come here! Chotto kochi kite! [f] Kochi oide-yo! [f] (b>g) Kochi koi-yo! [m] You're noisy! Urusai-wane! [f] Urusë-na! [m] Urusë-yo! [m] Urusën-dayo! [m] You're boring! Anata tsumannai! [f] Kimi tsumannë! [m] Shut up! Damatte-yo! [f] Damare-yo! [m] Be quiet! Shizuka-ni shite-yo [f] (b>g) Shizuka-ni shiro-yo! [m]
[If in a simsense theater, tavern, etc., first you should say "shizuka-ni shite kudasai." If there are no results, "shizuka-ni shite-yo!" or "shizuka-ni shiro-yo!" should do the trick. Still no progress? Throw in a couple of "urusën-dayo!'s." Both ("Be quiet.") phrases can be used playfully between friends.] --RR,R You A-hole! You hoop-hole! Kono kuso-ttare! [m]
[Literally means, "you have drek around your hoop-hole!"] --RR,R You bitch! Kono ama! (b/g>g) You sleeper! Yariman! (b/g>g)
["Yariman" means a girl who will go to bed with anyone.] --RR,R Home boy! Hick! Kono imo! [f/m]
[Literally means, "you potato!" from the fact that potatoes are grown in the country. Therefore, "imo nä-chan" & "imo në-chan" are "potato boy!" & "potato girl!" meaning they are unfashionable, or that their talk is not-so-wiz.] --RR,R Playboy! Onna-tarashi! (g>b)
[A bad word to say to boys.] --RR,R Shorty! Chibi! [f/m] Gaki! [f/m]
[Both of these are the now-common slur-words for dwarvenfolk.] --RR,R Short legs! Tansoku! [f/m]
[Means you are lacking in the "brave" department.] --RR,R You're ugly! Busu! (b/g>g) (ugly girl) Geso! (b/g>b) (ugly boy)
[These are the now-common slur-words for orcs & trolls. "Busu!" is THE worst word to say to a girl.] --RR,R You pig! Buta! [f/m] Debu! [f/m]
[This word refers derogatorily to metahumans, in general. Both are also said to girls and obese boys. Another very bad word to say to a (human) girl.] --RR,R Fag! Effeminate! Okama! [f/m]
[Unfortunately, this is the common Japanese slur-word for we elvenfolk. Originally said "(b/g>b)" to a boy who dresses in a feminine manner.] --RR,R Tomboy! Otoko onna! (b/g>g) Otemba! (b/g>b) White boy! Westerner! Haku-jin! [f/m] Yankï! [f/m] Shiro! [f/m] Kimpatsu! [f/m]
["Yankï!" and "Shiro!" are Japanese slurs for white people. "Yankï" which comes from "yankee," is for Americans in general, while "Shiro" & "Haku-jin" are for all caucasians. "Kimpatsu" means "blond hair."] --RR,R You're narrow minded! Ketsu-no ana-no chïsai-yarö! [f/m]
[Literally means, "your hoop-hole is small!"] --RR,R Don't be so thingyy! Namaiki iun-ja naiyo! [f/m] You're a dirtbag! Kitanai! [f/m] Don't frag with me! Namenna-yo! [m] Namen-ja nëyo! [m] Nametenna-yo! [m]
[Literally means "don't lick me!" A not-so-literally translation is "don't joke around with me!" or "don't think I'm lower than you!" -- if someone says "nanda-yo?" ("What do you want?!") to you, just say one of the above and walk away (the winner).] --RR,R Frag off! (Get away!) Mukö itte-yo! [f] Dokka itte-yo! [f] Dokka ike-yo! [m] Hayaku inakunare-yo! [m] Hayaku kiena! [m] Urochoro shittenna! [m] Totto-to usero! [m] Frag you!/Go to hell! Kutabare! [m] Shinjimae! [m] Let's finish this now! Kerio tsuke-yöze! [m] I'm going to kick your hoop! Bukkoroshite yaru! [m]
[Literally means "I'm going to hit you till you die!" This is a harsh phrase, expect to throw a few punches after saying this one.] --RR,R You dog!! Temë kono-yarö!! [m]
[Serious fighting words! Usually said before or while the right hook is connecting!] --RR,R You little rat! (Check this geek out!) Nani koitsu! [f/m]
[Said about anyone doing anything, but usually not to their face.] --RR,R Who do you think you are? Nani-yo anta?! [f] Nani-temë?! [m] d**n it! Chikusho! [f/m]
[Usually said to yourself.] --RR,R Drek! Unko! [f/m] Kuso! [f/m]
[Both words literally mean "feces," but Kuso! can be said to yourself, such as Americans say "Drek!"] --RR,R Drek, I fragged up! Oh, drek! Ikkenai! [f] Ikkene! [m]
[Literally means, "it's not good!" Usually said to yourself.] --RR,R Lewd! Vulgar! Sukebe! [f]
[Often used derogatorily to describe metahumans.] --RR,R Sexual perversion. Abnormality. Hentai! [f/m]
[Another Japanese slur for metahumans. Placing "Kono" in front of the above two, will direct the attention to one person, such as "Kono sukebe!" (You freak!) or "Kono hentai!" (You pervert!)] --RR,R You're dirty! You're unclean! Kitanai-wane! [f/m]
[Yet another way of derogatorily referring to metahumans.] --RR,R Your "tool" is small! Tansho! [f] (g>b)
["Heh."] --RR,R Think about it! Kangaete-mite! [f] Kangaeta-mina! [f]
[While saying this, put your face closer to theirs and tap your temple quickly with your index finger.] --RR,R
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Ragamuffin Street Fighter Feuerfresser Kultspieler(in)